Nowadays, it’s seen as a bit of a buzzword, but as the external political climate, combined with a global pandemic has made the world more turbulent, the interest in self-care has risen, and is more likely to be coined as self-love, and is being viewed as something essential to our overall health.
Give Yourself a Little Love.
Self-love seems to be one of those polarising phrases. Especially to us Brits who often view it as self-indulgent, but the concept of self-care actually dates back to the Ancient Greeks, who saw it as integral to democracy as it made you a better, more honest, citizen.

What Does Self-Love Mean, and How Can We Practice It?
The simple dictionary definition of self-love reads; regard for one’s own wellbeing and happiness. When put like that it makes perfect sense, yet still, some of us still struggle with the concept, seeing it akin to vanity. The more we delve into the subject, the more we can learn to build elements of self-love into our daily lives. Examples of this can be found in all aspects of life; learning to build a more positive view of yourself in the world and improving self-confidence, so that you don’t collapse in a puddle of self-hatred as soon as something goes wrong. Taking better care of yourself and your health, both physically and mentally to help promote a more positive attitude to life.
Building opportunities for self-love into our daily lives can be as simple and easy as taking better care of your skin. Creating self-care rituals to incorporate into your morning and evening skin ritual is the best way to start.
Adding the BIOEFFECT Volcanic Exfoliator into your routine once or twice a week helps to remove dead skin and impurities, leaving the skin perfectly refined and ready to better absorb the BIOEFFECT EGF Serum. Creating mindful facial rituals while using the BIOEFFECT products can help to calm the mind and benefit the skin. For instance, applying the BIOEFFECT EGF Essence in small tapping motions, helps the essence to penetrate the skin as well as reduce puffiness by draining the lymph glands. Developing a soothing upwards massage technique while using the BIOEFFECT Hydrating Cream can create a feeling of relaxation as well as ensure that the cream is fully absorbed.
Some people find the easiest way to practice self-love is to put a date in the diary for the same time each week, hence self-care-Sunday being a social media trend, whereby you can create a bit of me-time, on a Sunday evening.
So, go ahead, put it in your calendar for this Sunday; apply a BIOEFFECT Imprinting Hydrogel Mask, and come Monday morning your skin will look softer, smoother, and plumper. What’s not to love?