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Embrace Science, Embrace Nature 

At BIOEFFECT, we combine science and nature to create innovative skincare. Using biotechnology, we harness the power of plants to produce pure and effective ingredients: EGF and other growth factors.

The BIOEFFECT growth factors are produced in collaboration with ORF Genetics, the founding company of BIOEFFECT. ORF Genetics uses a proprietary barley-based system to produce a replica of EGF and other human growth factors. BIOEFFECT growth factors are unique due to their production method, purity, and effectiveness in skincare. Studies show BIOEFFECT barley plant-derived growth factors penetrate effectively and remain active in formulations. As a host, barley is the ideal plant for producing growth factors due to several advantages:

  • Superior biocompatibility: Designed for optimal molecular compatibility with human skin.
  • High purity and stability: Minimizing contamination risks and ensuring consistent efficacy.
  • Scalability and reliability: Stored in bioengineered barley seeds for long-term stability and sustainable production.