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Where Can You Find Us?

In recent years, many have switched to online shopping out of sheer convenience – and in the last two years it became a matter of necessity. You can shop online here at and get exclusive deals and samples with your purchase, but you can also find our range at these online retailers:


While online shopping is certainly more convenient, nothing beats going to a beauty counter – especially when you’re looking to try something new. There you can test the product to see how you like its texture and feel, as well as get expert advice based on your skin type and routine. So, if you want to visit on of our BIOEFFECT counters read on for their locations.

We have a beautiful counter in the historic and beautiful Bergdorf Goodman on 5th Ave. in New York as well as their online store:

You can also find BIOEFFECT in various Cos Bar stores across the country, for example in Aspen, Vail, Santa Fe, Carmel, Montecito, La Jolla, Newport Beach, Oklahoma City, and Dallas, and online at

We are also in several Neiman Marcus stores, including San Francisco, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Houston, Austin, Atlanta, St. Louis, San Antonio, and Miami as well as online at

Happy BIOEFFECT shopping!
